Talk with Claudinei Roberto | Agora somos todxs negrxs?

Professor Claudinei Roberto talks with curator Daniel Lima about the work of Sidney Amaral

public programs

Exhibition opening | Agora somos todxs negrxs?

Opening debate of the exhibition mediated by curator Daniel Lima

public programs

Jaime Lauriano | Agora somos todxs negrxs?

The artist answers the question "Now we are all blacks?", Which names the exhibition in which he participates.


Jota Mombaça | Agora somos todxs negrxs?

The artist answers the question "Now we are all blacks?", Which names the exhibition in which he participates.


Musa Michelle Mattiuzzi | Agora somos todxs negrxs?

The artist answers the question "Now we are all blacks?", Which names the exhibition in which he participates.


Moisés Patrício | Agora somos todxs negrxs?

The artist answers the question "Now we are all blacks?", Which names the exhibition in which he participates.


Luiz de Abreu | Agora somos todxs negrxs?

The artist answers the question "Now we are all blacks?", Which names the exhibition in which he participates.


Eustáquio Neves | Agora somos todxs negrxs?

The artist answers the question "Now we are all blacks?", Which names the exhibition in which he participates.


Dalton Paula | Agora somos todxs negrxs?

The artist answers the question "Now we are all blacks?", Which names the exhibition in which he participates.


Ayrson Heráclito | Agora somos todxs negrxs?

The artist answers the question "Now we are all blacks?", Which names the exhibition in which he participates.

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