Guest Artists | 19th Festival

Statements from the artists featured in the 19th Festival’s Southern Panoramas | Guest Artists exhibit, with speeches from the show’s curators

making of & recordings

Yto Barrada | 19th Festival

One of the 19th Festival’s guest artists, Yto Barrada, comments the creative process of her artwork Wallpaper Tangier.


Rodrigo Matheus | 19th Festival

One of the five artists in the Southern Panoramas | Guest Artists exhibit, Rodrigo Matheus discusses his piece Mauser & Cia


Sônia Gomes | 19th Festival

One of the guest artists for the 19th Festival, Sônia Gomes comments on her creative process


Gabriel Abrantes | 19th Festival

The artist presents and comments on his films featured in the 19th Festival’s Southern Panoramas | Guest Artists show and Film Program


Abdoulaye Konaté | 19th Festival

The Malian artist contextualizes his three large panels featured in the 19th Festival’s Southern Panoramas | Guest Artists show
