Videobrasil na ARC

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postado em 26/06/2014
Segunda parte da matéria de Holly Bynoe na ARC Magazine

Editora-chefe da publicação caribenha ARC, a escritora e artista visual Holly Bynoe visitou São Paulo em ocasião do 18º Festival de Arte Contemporânea Sesc_Videobrasil. O relato de sua experiência em São Paulo, dividido em duas partes, reúne considerações sobre a cena de arte contemporânea paulistana, além de reflexões sobre a cidade em comparação com o Caribe e as grandes metrópoles do mundo.

Leia abaixo um trecho da segunda parte do relato, que pode ser lido na íntegra no site da revista ARC.

"I wanted to get some time with in order to make the experience of Videobrasil more relatable to our audience. I crafted careful questions around the issue of the festival’s growth versus what it used to be 30 years ago, comparatively analyzing a trajectory of why the Southern Panoramas platform was important along with its collective curatorial support. I wondered about the founder’s experience with defining the South as a mercurial construct with a shifting geography and what her innermost revelations were so far. I also wondered about private sector support and VB’s visibility on an international level, and about keeping VB relevant and what this would mean for artists within our networks to see the potential of a show like this, and more so an idea like Videobrasil."