Akram Zaatari | VCA

The artist comments and shows his earliest images, created at age 16


Coco Fusco | VCA

In an interview, the artist discusses the military themes in some of her projects


Akram Zaatari and Walid Raad | 14th Festival

On occasion of the exhibition Possible Narratives, during the 14th Festival, curator Akram Zaatari and artist Walid Raad discuss the idea of archive and the performance The Loudest Muttering is Over


Sebastián Diaz Morales |14th Festival

The Argentinean artist discusses the popularization of video apparatus and its spread amongst the public at a meeting during the 14th Festival.


Rabih Mroué | 14th Festival

During the 14th Festival, the Lebanese artist discusses his video Face A Face B


Rosângela Rennó | 13th Festival

Identity and politics are the topics discussed by the artist in this statement recorded during the 13th Festival, in 2001


Akram Zaatari | 11st Festival

Interview with the Lebanese artist shortlisted for the 1996 competitive show. Zaatari explains the use of images in different contexts in his work, and elaborates on the conditions for production in Lebanon

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