A graduate in the Visual Arts from Escola de Comunicações e Artes da Universidade de São Paulo, he was a member of the institution’s Criticism and Curatorship Study Group, under the orientation of Tadeu Chiarelli, from 2006 to 2010. Among other exhibitions, he participated in shows at the Centro Universitário Maria Antônia (2004) and Centro Cultural São Paulo (2007 and 2010), both in São Paulo. In 2008, he received a research scholarship at the 47th Salão de Artes Plásticas de Pernambuco. That same year, he won the best work of visual art prize at the 12th Festival da Cultura Inglesa and participated in the collective project Expedição Francisco, selected through the Conexão Artes Visuais‑Funarte program. In 2010 he curated and exhibited in the show À Sombra do Futuro, at the Instituto Cervantes de São Paulo.