He holds a degree in social communications from PUC-MG, a master’s in communication from UFMG, and a doctorate in arts from ECA/USP. He is a professor of the postgraduate program at PUC Minas’ School of Communication and Arts. He is a contributor at Associação Cultural Videobrasil and a curator of audio-visual art (cinema, video, and television), contemporary art, and technology. Programs include esses espaços (Belo Horizonte, 2010), Densidade Local, in partnership with Gunalan Nadarajan, at Festival Transitio-MX (Mexico City, 2008) and Mostra Fiat Brasil (2006). In 2009 and 2010, with Jochen Volz, he coordinated specialization course Arte contemporânea: reflexão e crítica (Contemporary Art: reflection and critique) through a partnership between IEC-PUC Minas and Inhotim. He has published writings, essays, and reviews on contemporary art production.