Marco Del Fiol Marco Del Fiol is a director, scriptwriter, and editor of documentaries and feature films. For the Videobrasil Authors Collection he has also codirected Mau Wal: Translated Encounters (2002). Other directorial projects include Emoção Art.ficial 2.0 for Instituto Itaú Cultural in 2004 and Marepe for the Pompidou Centre in Paris in 2005. He is responsible for the editing and coordination of the DVDs Nomadisms: A Tribute to Waly Salomão (2003) and Antologia Videobrasil de Performances (2005), from Associação Cultural Videobrasil. He has collaborated with the NGO Cedac on videos for Programa Escola que Vale [School that's Worth It Program] run by the Vale do Rio Doce Foundation. He teaches editing and camera at the Miami Ad School in São Paulo.