Documentary filmmaker, director and producer. A researcher of Brazilian documentary film, she has curated several shows on the subject, revisiting 1970s episodes of TV show Globo Repórter, and holding Walter Lima Junior and Joaquim Pedro de Andrade retrospectives. She organized the shows Vida, for the Eco 92; and Cinema na TV, for the É Tudo Verdade/It’s All True festival. In 2005 and 2006 she chaired the Brazilian Association of Documentary Filmmakers in Rio de Janeiro, and currently serves as an advisor to the Brazilian Documentary Filmmakers Association. She has produced the films Edifício Master and Babilônia 2000, by Eduardo Coutinho, both of which won prizes at several festivals and enjoyed box office success. In 2001 she directed Memória para Uso Diário, about the work of group Tortura Nunca Mais RJ, voted Best Film by the popular jury at Festival do Rio BR. Holds a degree in History from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and a specialization in documentary film and audiovisual research from the University of Rome, in Italy.