Killed prematurely in a car accident, he was an outstanding poet, visual artist, and university professor. He graduated in Law from the University of São Paulo, but veered off into Literary Critique and Semiotics, building a short but solid academic career. In parallel, he published poems’ collections and showed video and sound poems in art exhibits. These were designed to push out what he considered to be the limits of the concrete poetry of the poets Augusto and Haroldo de Campos, and Décio Pignatari. To him, the work of their generation put the poems’ verbal aspects on the foreground, to the detriment of other aspects. Thus he championed what he called intersign poetry, where each one of the poem’s syntactic element, whether it was related to sound, visual, or plastic aspects, were equally contemplated in non-hyerarchic fashion, and thus became as relevant as any other in the end result. He holds a master’s and a doctorate degree in Communication and Semiotics from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, with a doctoral internship at the Università di Bologna, Italy. These academic works resulted in the books Poética e Visualidade - Uma Trajetória da Poesia Brasileira Contemporânea, in 1991, and A Crise do Passado: Modenidade, Vanguarda, Metamodernidade, in 1994. In 1983 he featured in the videotext and new media hall of the 17th São Paulo International Biennial, organized by Júlio Plaza. He organized the Poesia Intersígnos show, in 1985, and the 1st International Visual Poetry Festival São Paulo, in 1988, both at Centro Cultural São Paulo.