Historian and art critic, Fabiana Werneck Barcinski graduated in Industrial Design, with specialization in Brazilian Art and Architecture. She also holds a master's degree in Cultural Social History from Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro - PUC-Rio. Her published works include the lead text for the book Ivan Serpa (2003) for Banco Pactual; a biography of José Resende for a volume on the artist's work published by Cosac & Naify, as well as essays on contemporary visual artists Nuno Ramos and Claudio Elisabetski. She wrote the script for the 2005 production Marepe, directed by Marco Del Fiol, with whom she codirected the documentary MAU WAL: Encontros Traduzidos for the Videobrasil Authors Collection series. Fabiana is the editor of the children's/youth line for the Girafinha label at A Girafa publishing house.