Lucila Meirelles (Brazil, 1953) began in the field of video art as a performance actress in the 70’s, beside artist José Roberto Aguilar. In the 80’s and 90’s, as an independent author, her works participated in international shows such as “The Kitchen”, Manifestation Internacionale de Video et Télévision de Montbeliard, Black Aesthetic. Her videos "Pivete/Child Thief", "Crianças Autistas/Autistic Children", “Yara Bernette, Mergulhada na Música/Yara Bernette, Plunged into Music" and "Cego Oliveira no Sertão do Seu Olhar/Oliveira, the Blind Guy Inside Your Gaze" were awarded. In 1994, received the Vitae Arts Grant to carry out the "Histórias Luminosas do Sertão/Luminous Stories of the Outback" project. In 2002, received the Transmedia Fellowship to elaborate " O Fantasma Solitário do Porão Eletrônico Devora os Códigos Secretos do Sistema Operacional como Espagueti Retorcido e Impreciso/The Lone Ghost from the Electronic Basement Devours the Secret Codes of the Operating System as a Gnarled and Vague Spaghetti”.