Statement 2003

1.-During the Festival we will discuss issues such as displacement and nomad processes as images and emblematic actions of the contemporary cultural and political situation. How do you reflect this in the electronic art panel? Is it a theme of interest in your work? 1.- My work is a self portrait that reflects my inner world, it is a glance at the inside and outside of my world, the cultural and political situation of my social context is part of my preoccupations and affects my emotional life, for that reason it is important to me to show these subjects in a critical and analytical way, always from a personal perspective with the purpose of expressing my feelings and sharing my point of view with others, that is its utility. To show the world through my eyes. ( 1.-Mi obra es un autorretrato que refleja mi vida interior y exterior, la situación cultural y política de mi entorno forma parte de mis preocupaciones y afecta mi vida emocional, por ello es importante para mi tratar estos temas de forma crítica y analítica, siempre desde una perspectiva personal con el fin de expresar mis sentimientos y compartir mi punto de vista con los demás, esa es su utilidad.Mostrar el mundo a través de mis ojos.) 2.- The relation between art and politics is at the same time rich and conflictive. How do you perceive this relation in the specific case of your work? 2.- My political vision is essential to reflect my mental activity and my existence, since my objective is to portray my life the inclusion of this vision enriches my audiovisual expression creating a bridge of social identification and inclusively it invites to the reflection, nevertheless my political opinion is controversial sometimes and it is no longer seen as an artistic work but instead it is taken as a political propaganda to the point that it is evaluated not by its expressive and artistic qualities but the ideological ones. (2.-Mi visión política es indispensable para reflejar mi actividad mental y mi existencia ya que mi objetivo es retratar mi vida, la inclusión de esta visión enriquece mi expresión audiovisual creando un puente de identificación social e inclusive invita a la reflexión, sin embargo, mi opinion política resulta controvertida en ocasiones y se le deja de ver como una obra artística, se la toma como propaganda política, al punto de calificarla no por sus cualidades expresivas y artísticas sino ideológicas.) 3.- Image and information technologies participate in control and surveillance strategies, subtle (or not) and generalized. In the face of this reality, in your view what would be the role of art in media contexts? 3.- The role of the art in media context is to reflect that reality, to describe in a creative way what occurs in the world, projecting the impact and feeling of the human being about his existence. (3.- El rol del arte dentro del contexto mediático es el de reflejar esa realidad, describir lo que ocurre en el mundo de forma creativa, proyectar el impacto y el sentir del ser humano con respecto a su existencia. ) 4.- In the contemporary sociopolitical and cultural context, local identities gain new configurations under stress with the global flows. Inserted into this process, electronic art participates as an open field to the experimentation and expression of new forms of subjectivity. How are these matters manifested in your work? 4.- My work reflects the social reality because it is part of my life so it affects me, the image of my sociopolitical and cultural context is a visual analogy of my own feelings, I show a social necessity that is at the same time an inner personal necessity. (4.- Mi obra refleja mi realidad social porque me afecta y forma parte de mi vida, la imagen de mi entorno sociopolítico y cultural es una analogía visual de mis propios sentimientos, muestro una necesidad social que al mismo tiempo es una necesidad interior. ) 5.-Today local cultures face the challenge to reinvent personal and collective memories, without letting them become empty before the global communication flows. In your view, how does this challenge translates into art media experiences? 5.- The challenge of my work is to conserve an individual and social identity, my objective is to remember the differences between cultures to respect and preserve them, nevertheless my work is also a reflection of the modification that affects the collective memory. (5.- El reto de mi obra es el de conservar una identidad personal y social, mi objetivo es recordar las diferencias entre culturas para respetarlas y preservarlas, sin embargo mi trabajo es también reflejo de la modificación que sufre la memoria colectiva.) 6.-In the context of the approach of electronic-digital means, are you interested in body issues? How does the body appear in your work? 6.-The body appears in my work as a visual metaphor of my mental activity and my social context using the video camera like an extension of my sensorial and intellectual perception as one. (6.- El cuerpo aparece en mi obra como una metáfora visual de mi actividad mental y mi entorno social y uso la cámara de video como una extensión de mi percepción sensorial e intelectual.)

Associação Cultural Videobrasil