Commissioned by Associação Cultural Videobrasil and by SESC São Paulo for this commemorative edition of the Festival, the DVD “Ernesto Varela, o repórter” brings three hours of Ernesto Varela on TV, specials, series and interviews conducted for Gazeta – where the reporter emerged in a show presented by Goulart de Andrade, in 1983 –, SBT, Record, MTV and Manchete TV nets. The contents are divided into themes such as sports (including the reporter’s participation in the World Cup in 1994), politics and journeys (to Cuba, New York and Serra Pelada). The extras include Varela’s participations in the programming of 89 FM Radio, galleries with photos of making of and the text “A Minha História do Olhar Eletrônico”, in which Tas comments on his work at the independent production company in the 1980’s.