Ruy Luduvice comenta "Operação França" (1984), de Ruy Solberg e Telecine Maruim

O coordenador do Acervo Histórico Videobrasil Ruy Luduvice fala sobre "Operação França" (1984), de Ruy Solberg e Telecine Maruim.

commented collection

Aurélio Michiles | Unerasable Memories

The filmmaker from Manaus discusses his documentary O Sangue da Terra, a portrayal of an oil company’s invasion of the Sateré-Mawé tribe territory’s in the 1980s


TV in Brazil today – Market Protection | 2nd Festival

Debate on the potentialities of the Brazil’s video market (audio ceded by the MIS-SP Collection)

public programs

The Paths of TV and Video in Brazil (2) | 2nd Festival

Second debate of the 1984 1984, focusing on independent productions (audio ceded by MIS-SP Collection)

public programs

The Paths of TV and Video in Brazil (1) | 2nd Festival

The first debate of the 1984 Festival discussed political and economic issues (audio ceded by MIS-SP Collection)

public programs