THANH HOANG (Vietnam, 1984) worked in television and media outlets for more than seven years before finding in film the ideal medium to tell stories. She graduated in literature and communication from the Vietnam National University of Ho Chi Minh City and has a master’s degree from the City University of New York. Her documentary The Funeral Singer was awarded for best film and best documentary and received the US National Board of Review’s Excellence Award.

A cross between documentary and fiction, the video NIKKI’S HERE (2018) follows the life of Nikki, a New York tantric masseuse who makes a living by providing ecstasy and relaxation. Sessions with her offer clients brief moments of freedom from social responsibility. Outside of work she leads a normal life as Calvin’s wife, combining enjoyment, conflict and commitment. When Chance, the couple’s pet, develops cancer, they reassess their way of life and of building a family.