Roundtable of the Seminars of the 21st Contemporary Art Biennial Sesc_Videobrasil  | Imagined Communities, held at Sesc 24 de Maio (São Paulo) in October and November 2019.


VLADIMIR SAFATLE — Lecturer in philosophy at the Universidade de São Paulo, his research subjects include the epistemology of psychoanalysis and psychology and the philosophy of music. He is the author of O circuito dos afetos: corpos políticos, desamparo e o fim do indivíduo (Cosac Naify, 2015). He coordinates the Social Theory, Philosophy, and Psychoanalysis Research Lab at FFLCH USP.

MÁRCIO SELIGMANN-SILVA — Lecturer in literary theory at the Universidade Estadual de Campinas, his themes of research include German romanticism, media theory, 18th- to 20th- century aesthetics, and the work of Walter Benjamin. He is the author of Ler o livro do mundo (Iluminuras/Fapesp, 1999), for which he won a National Library award, and O local da diferença (Editora 34, 2005), winner of the Jabuti Prize in the literary criticism category.


LUISA DUARTE —Art critic, curator, lecturer, and former member of the advisory board to MAM São Paulo (2009–2012). In conjunction with Adriano Pedrosa, she edited the book ABC – Arte brasileira contemporânea (Cosac Naify, 2014). Her curatorial projects include Quarta-feira de cinzas (Escola de Artes Visuais do Parque Lage, 2015) and Tunga – O rigor da distração (MAR, 2018), both in Rio de Janeiro.