With the decline of the military regime, in the 1980s, TV became a strong influence on the imagination of a generation that wanted to take charge of the medium to reveal different views. Video became a sort of "counter-television." Focus 1: Counter-TV: Experimental Practices in Video in the 1980s will tackle the new visuality enabled by video and video art to a generation of authors eager to adopt experimental practices and to recreate the language of TV.

photo by Denise Andrade

Everything can be a TV show
October 16, 8 p.m. — Sesc Pompeia / Theater

A pioneer in the activist use of video, the creator of theater group Oficina discusses the medium's subversive character with the directors of Frau, a video portraying the former's run-in with the Gramado Festival.


Gabriel Priolli Netto (São Paulo, Brazil, 1953) Journalist and TV director. Former member of the Brazilian National Congress' Social Communications Council.

José Celso Martinez Corrêa (Araraquara-SP, Brazil, 1937) Director and playwright, founded Teatro Oficina and created historical staging of plays, such as O rei da vela (1967).

Pedro Vieira (São Paulo, Brazil, 1953) Director and creator of audiovisual projects. Former member of TVDO. Directed the TV show Fábrica do som (Cultura, 1983/1984).

Tadeu Jungle (São Paulo, Brazil, 1956) Artist and film and TV director. Directed the feature film Tomorrow never again (2011).

Walter Silveira (São Paulo, Brazil, 1955) Artist and video director. A co-creator of TVDO, he participated in the 23rd São Paulo Biennial (2003) and was the subject of the retrospective show Blackberry palavra e imagem (Blackberry - word and image, São Paulo, 2013).


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- critical review
- news coverage
- photo album

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