Presentation text Thomaz Farkas

The II FOTOPTICA-MIS VIDEO BRAZIL FESTIVAL coincides with a time of change in our country – economic, political and social change. We are curious and attentive, more demanding and dissatisfied and we want to know things, right now. We are a more weathered and critical crowd and we want to see both sides of the coin. In this scenario, the avidity for knowledge as a defense also applies to videoimage, which is the most widely discussed information source and education form at our avail.

We are witnessing a novel perspective of current political information. We have also had the first experiences of independent producers with TV channels, which have been alternately successful, rejected, covered up, taken in or even reused by the system. Likewise, we have seen that in opposition to Ibope audience polls, there is the important and expressive acceptance by an opinion-making crowd.

The order of the day is meetings about video-information, concessions of new channels and the very survival of a community indirectly connected with the mainstream channels.

Here is hoping the II Fotoptica-MIS Video Brazil Festival will fulfill everyone’s expectations of it.

Text by host institution Jorge da Cunha Lima

Each period in time has its inventions, its tools. Some have marked the centuries, changing the habits and the knowledge of Man. Nowadays, few are the ones that survive the decade, such is habit’s impetus of making everything disposable in an avid, insatiable market. By the way, market economy replaces invention with fashion and science with technology.

However, in the context of the novelties that have stacked up in the shop windows of our urban culture, one can find the antidote for the poison. As Ulysses would put it: “to kill the concoction using the very bottle that contains it.” In opposition to some mass communication tools that pervert the cultural identity of nations, we can announce, straight from the Butantã Institute, a dangerous vaccine: video. It comes in many different guises: independent production, video-information, VHS, home videos, camera in hand, the Fotoptica-MIS Video Brazil Festival; we can alter the course of events. In the communications field, a big tryout field has been created, without which no culture or sports activity ever makes it to the podium.

This festival is a small sample of this world that has proliferated after the demise of Super 8. This can be the big step for independent production; the one that will render the democratization of telecommunications in Brazil irreversible.