SescTV: new episode depicts Frantz Fanon

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posted on 11/22/2012
Fifth program brings Julien's view on the thinker

Isaac Julien: Geopoetics, a new series of the Videobrasil on TV program, will feature seven of the artist’s key films on SESCTV, from the seminal Territories (1983) to Derek (2008), paying tribute to this founding father of British independent cinema. In exclusive statements to the program, Isaac Julien comments on the featured films and discusses their main issues.

Episode 5 | The thinking of Fanon

The author of Black skin, white masks and The wretched of the earth, Frantz Fanon (1925-1961) was an influential anticolonialist writer from Martinique. The documentary was created with the mission of reestablishing to academic and artistic discourse the acknowledgement of the originality of Fanon’s contradictory nature as a thinker.