42’21” Brazil, 2004.
Guest director | Alex Gabassi

During Lebanon’s civil war years, Akram Zaatari recorded daily life in a diary. Explosions, bomb shelters, driving lessons and the buying of a car: “the contradictions of life that goes on in conflicted areas,” he says. The diary was his first contact with image production, a key aspect of his later videos and installations. His work is marked by the changes that his country has undergone, and its key themes are sexuality, politics, and history. The first Videobrasil Authors Collection documentary conceived for DVD format, the film follows Zaatari through his country of origin and Brazil, and includes bonus footage of unreleased statements from leading figures in contemporary Lebanese art. Zaatari is an active articulator of the new Lebanese scene, which is marked by partnerships and multidisciplinarity. English and Spanish subtitles.