Graduated in Arts from the Centre of the Arts at the University of Tasmania, in the city of Hobart, with a specialization in ceramics and media studies, in 1987. After graduating she moved to Adelaide, where she worked with ceramics at the Jam Factory, a non-profit organization in the downtown area which hosts courses and workshops on handicraft and decorative arts, as well as selling its own products. Afterwards, she moved to Sydney, where she developed installations based on History and Mythology. She continued her ceramics work, doing parallel lighting and stage design work for theater groups. Around that time she took an interest in Gothic architecture and Medieval mystique, mostly through the writings of Saint Hildegard of Bingen, a 12th century theologist and polymath known for fighting prejudice against women by becoming one of the most respected scholars of her time. On those influences, she built her My Memory Your Past project, consisting of a series of visual labyrinths. Lives and works in Australia.