Statement 2003

Some questions to Marcello Mercado

During the Festival we will discuss issues such as displacement and nomad processes as images and emblematic actions of the contemporary cultural and political situation. How do you reflect this in the electronic art panel? Is it a theme of interest in your work?

CIA Medals: 1.Distinguished Intelligence Cross I moved to Germany. 2.Distinguished Intelligence Medal I moved from mac to Flint-Flame-Inferno 3. Intelligence Star [applause] I moved my ideas and readapted them to new circunstances. 4.Intelligence Medal of Merit I moved so much that I can not begin or end 5.Career Intelligence Medal But may be I will finish something not finishing at all 6. Intelligence Commendation Medal [applause] I am able to give the physician a good description of this kapital-aura, it may provide a clue to the part of the brain where the initial kapital-discharges originate 7.Exceptional Service Medallion Strong technical background ,Strong influencing and people skills ,etc China will not remain the same on the map. 8.Gold Retirement Medallion (This file was found elsewhere on the Internet and uploaded to the Bla Bla Bla archives by the archive maintainer.)translation adjustment New Subdivisions / Neighborhoods Are Broken Up I With No Starting Point /Stable-Definite Shapes. 9.Silver Retirement Medallion I appreciate your talking to me, it's a great pleasure to talk to you.There is no place else to go [applause] [music stops]

The relation between art and politics is at the same time rich and conflictive. How do you perceive this relation in the specific case of your work?

I labeled. I fragmented. I-medical Insurance. I enlarged and overflown. I managed to feel the nucleic acids chain. A relation altered by decaying or splitting. I sterilized.THE ART PRACTICE My speech become more sparse and content appeared more tangential and irrelevant. Increasing employment transience and decline, financial mismanagement, and periodic depressive episodes. I'm unity of purpose P-U-R-P-O-S-E but I cut out and send coupons for free DVD player. I am streaming... Saturday 12 February 1100 - 1800 [ GMT ] 1200 - 1900 [ Central European Time ] 0600 - 1300 [ US Eastern Standard Time ] 1630 - 2400 [ Indian Standard Time ] 2400 - 0700 [ New Zealand Time ] The appearance of the homogenity.Persistent and remote insensibility. I reversible-vectors. I am a pharmaceutical-body with powerful digital effects

Image and information technologies participate in control and surveillance strategies, subtle (or not) and generalized. In the face of this reality, in your view what would be the role of art in media contexts?

Blake said "I must create a system or be enslaved by another man's; I will not reason and compare: my business is to create. ..." Meeting, subversion, innovation, infiltration, invention,invention,invention,invention, reinvent politic. I would strong recomend also to the artists these Traffic Surveillance Films: : #7 Polizei/Radarfilme ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- APX200S3517 Agfa APX 200 S 35mmx17,0 200 ASA Radarfilm* 001 41,16 ILFSP8161353650 Ilford SP 816 T 135-36 Radarfilm 050 289,93 ILFSP816T3517 Ilford SP 816 T 35mmx17,0 Radarfilm 001 37,24 ILFSP8163530 Ilford SP 816 T 35mmx30,5 Radarfilm 001 58,70 KOD8175630 Kodak RAR 35mmx15,2m Radarfilm* Rol 28,32 KOD1382527 Kodak RAR 35mmx30,5m Radarfilm* Rol 59,78 KOD1299916 Kodak TP 35mmx45,7m Technical Pan 001 111,72 KOD8477879 Kodak TSF 35mm x 15,2m Radarfilm SP401 auf Kern 001 28,32 KOD8765539 Kodak TSF 35mm x 15,2m Radarfilm SP404 Spule 001 28,32 KOD142926 Kodak TSF 35mm x 30,5m Radarfilm auf Kern 001 54,39 KOD8630899 Kodak TSF 35mm x 30,5m Radarfilm auf Spule 001 54,39

In the contemporary sociopolitical and cultural context, local identities gain new configurations under stress with the global flows. Inserted into this process, electronic art participates as an open field to the experimentation and expression of new forms of subjectivity. How are these matters manifested in your work?

Tengo 2 pasaportes. Vivo en Alemania. Digo que nací en el Chaco-Italia. (Chaco esta en Argentina) .Mi vida en inglés y alemán, eventualmente español. Creo que soy italiano aunque nunca fui a italia, lamento ser argentino aunque no practicante. Mi ambición es transformarme en un artista italiano, con un trabajo alemán subtitulado en inglés. Me divido en sucesiones eléctricamente positivas, negativas y neutras, bajo el gobierno de las lámparas de quarzo y del espectroscopio.

Today local cultures face the challenge to reinvent personal and collective memories, without letting them become empty before the global communication flows. In your view, how does this challenge translates into art media experiences?

Hay que permanecer consciente. Transformar el flash el java el quicktime el real player el explorer el flint el flame el inferno el protools en conciencia. Los cuerpos existen - resisten. Argumentar factores mitocondriales si es necesario.Y conformarse con estar dividido en dos partes.

In the context of the approach of electronic-digital means, are you interested in body issues? How does the body appear in your work?

Lo digital hace desaparecer mi cuerpo. Mi pais desaparece cuerpos. Yo en otro lugar en otro idioma.Yo entre los algoritmos y lo que creo recordar .Yo resisto.Yo no estoy. Espero las posibilidades de las palabras en este momento en que estoy tan poderosamente librado a mí mismo." Haus" que no termino de decir. Lo repugnante, al final de todo, es lo único que puedo leer, reconocer, entender.Tarde o temprano tendre que ser argentino.Es ser algo mediocre en comparacion con las posibilidades propias. This questions were co-sponsored by: 50 Years Is Enough Network, ACERCA Action for Community & Ecology in the Rainforest of Central America, Action Committee on Women's Rights in Iran - Toronto, AID/WATCH Australia, Alliance for Democracy, Alliance for Global Justice, American Lands Alliance, Art & Revolution, Campaign for Labor Rights, Center for Economic Justice, Center for Economic & Policy Research, Center for Environmental Public Advocacy, Change in London;, Citizens' Alliance for Consumer Protection - Philippines, Cloud Forest Institute, Colorado Medical Committee for Human Rights Street Medics, Colorado Progressive Coalition, Committee for Academic Freedom in Africa (CAFA), DC Area Earth First! Collective, DC Lesbian Avengers, DC Statehood, Green Party, Democratic Socialists of America, Development VISIONS - Pakistan, Direct Action Network, Economic Justice Now - San Francisco Bay Area, Ecumenical Program on Central America and the Caribbean (EPICA), 8th Day Center for Justice in Chicago, Energy Efficiency Program of CEE, Bankwatch (Prague), Essential Action, Fair Trade Coalition of Colorado, Food First/Institute for Food & Development Policy, Forum of Indian Leftists (FOIL), Friends of Clayoquot Sound, Global Exchange, Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space, Global Response, Heron Food & Garden Co-op, Houstonians Against U.S. Military Intervention (HAUSMI), INHURED International (Nepal), Insaaf International, Instant Antiwar Action Group - Vermont, Institute of Chinese Studies & South South Solidarity, Interconnect (Rochester, NY), International Committee of Lawyers for Tibet, International Socialists - Canada, Irish Republican Socialist Committees of North America - SF, Just Act: Youth ACTion for Global JUSTice, Jubilee 2000 Afrika Campaign (USA), Kalpavriksh - Environmental Action Group (India);, Katuah Earth First, Klamath-Siskiyou Wildlands Center, Latin America Emergency Response Network, Mangrove Action Project - Port Angeles, WA, Massachusetts Earth First!, Metropolitan Washington Council of the AFL-CIO, Mexico Solidarity Network, Mid-Missouri People Over Profit Coalition, National Concerns Society - Nepal, National Queer Commission, National Young Democratic Socialists, Native Forest Network, Nicaragua Network Peace & Social Justice Center of South Central Kansas, PeaceSmiths - Long Island, NY, Plattform gegen Atomgefahren (PLAGE) - Salzburg, Austria, Progressive Librarians Guild, Proposition One Committee, Quixote Center, Rainforest Action Network, Reform the World Bank Campaign, Resource Center of the Americas, Rhyme & Resist, Rochester Committee on Latin America - Rochester, NY, Ruckus Society, Solidarity, Southeast Direct Action Network, Southern Appalachian Biodiversity Project, STITCH (Support Team International for Textileras), Student Peace Action Network, Tennessee Industrial Renewal Network (TIRN), Unidad Ecologica Salvadorenha -UNES- El Salvador, United for a Fair Economy, The United Peoples (Denmark), Uniao Brasileira De Mulheres - UBM (Brazilian Union Of Women), VETO (Voter Education, Training, and Organization), Young Communist League - Midwest, Youth Coordination Centre - Thailand, Washington Action Group, Witness for Peace

Associação Cultural Videobrasil