Statement Steina Vasulka, 1996

Creativity and Communication

The creative process, for me, is a tremendous pleasure, even when it is painful, such as when I feel inadequate for the task. People perceive this pleasure in my work and often object, "But yuo are just playing". This comment gives me a tremendous pleasure. The motivation to make art seem to come from in deep desire to communicate: for some artists, it comes from a desire to communicate on a massive scale - something that not particularly interest me. I see no qualitative difference in more people versus one person if I am communicating. Our whole existence seems to be about communication. It cut through time. We spend so much time with people we have never met - often, wuth people who are long dead. But the primary motivation of all arts is the desire to communicate with oneself. this is a spiritual idea.

Arquivo Associação Cultural Videobrasil