Documentary made by the Vídeo nas Aldeias project, showing the reactions of the indigenous group Waiãpi, contacted in 1973 during the construction of the Perimetral-Norte highway in Amapá, when seeing their own image and that of Indians Gavião, Nhambiquara, Krahô, Guarani and Kaiapó on a television set. Without a reporter or narrator, editing is restricted, in order to interfere or guide the testimonials as little as possible. The title refers to the statement of the shaman who felt affected when he saw images of a ritual to evoke spirits on the screen. The recognition of similar peoples, the image of their people in face of white people and gold miners who threaten them, and the preservation of image and memory through video fascinate and concern the indigenous people who recognize not only the effects and threats of video, but mainly its effectiveness and its power.