Racial discrimination and its impact upon the black body are at the core of this performance piece by dancer Luiz de Abreu. Working with elements indefectibly associated with black Brazilians—samba, Carnival, eroticism—and with references to the white Nation, the artist creates images that speak of racism, of transgression as a form of resistance, and of the importance of the body in the construction of identity. Through the power of performance, and employing irony and mockery, he looks to return to the body-object the subject that has been stolen from it, with feelings, beliefs, and singularities. The piece was featured and won a prize at the 18th Festival in 2013.
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- 18th Festival | Southern Panoramas | "O Samba do crioulo doido", Luiz de AbreuGrande Prêmio
- 18th Festival | Southern Panoramas | 18th FestivalGrande Prêmio