Bianca Baldi | 19º Festival
The artist talks about her work Zero Latitude, which took part in the exhibition Southern Panoramas | Selected Artists as part of the 19th Festival
Beto Shwafaty | 19th Festival
The artist talks about his installation which took part in the exhibition Southern Panoramas | Selected Artists as part of the 19th Festival
Andres Bedoya | 19th Festival
The Bolivian artist talks about his work Jugando, which took part in the exhibition Southern Panoramas | Selected Artists as part of the 19th Festival
Ana Vaz | 19th Festival
The artist talks about her work A Idade da Pedra, which took part in the exhibition Southern Panoramas | Selected Artists as part of the 19th Festival
Louise Botkay | 19th Festival
The artist talks about her work Vertières I II III, which took part in the exhibition Southern Panoramas | Selected Artists as part of the 19th Festival
Waléria Américo | 19th Festival
The artist talks about her work Pendular, which took part in the exhibition Southern Panoramas | Selected Artists as part of the 19th Festival
Vera Chaves Barcellos | 19th Festival
The artist talks about her work Definição da Arte, which took part in the exhibition Southern Panoramas | Selected Artists as part of the 19th Festival
Tatiana Fuentes Sadowski | 19th Festival
The Peruvian artist talks about his work La huella, which took part in the exhibition Southern Panoramas | Selected Artists as part of the 19th Festival
Runo Lagomarsino | 19th Festival
The artist talks about his work Following the Light of the Sun, I Only Discovered the Ground, which took part in the exhibition Southern Panoramas | Selected Artists as part of the 19th Festival
Rodrigo Cass | 19th Festival
The artist talks about his work Découverte des Américains, which took part in the exhibition Southern Panoramas | Selected Artists as part of the 19th Festival