Giselle Beiguelman | How heavy is a cloud ?
The artist presents and comments her pieces witch took part in the exhibition "How heavy is a cloud?"
Vitor Cesar | Videobrasil Collection in Context #2
As a participant in the exhibition Videobrasil Collection in Context #2, the artist talks about his residence in Warsaw and the creative process of the artwork Anfibologia, tradução [Amphibology, translation].
Haroon Gunn-Salie | Agridoce
The artist presents his works that integrate the exhibition Agridoce as a result of the 1st SP-Arte/Videobrasil Award, and holds forth on the project’s development process.
Karol Radziszewski | Videobrasil Collection in Context #2
As a participant in the exhibition Videobrasil Collection in Context #2, the artist talks about his residence in Galpão VB and the creative process of the project Queer Archives Institute.
Mahmoud Khaled | Videobrasil Collection in Context #1
Featured in the Videobrasil Collection in Context #1 exhibit, the artist discusses the creative process for his Proposal for a Porn Company
Cláudio Bueno | Videobrasil Collection in Context #1
The artist presents his Estudo para Duelo, speaks out on his partnership with Paula Garcia and on his research into the collection of Associação Cultural Videobrasil
Luisa Duarte | Trilogia
The art critic Luisa Duarte shares her thoughts on the pieces by Cinthia Marcelle featured in the exhibition Trilogia
Ana Pato | How heavy is a cloud?
The curator of the exhibition How heavy is a cloud?, Ana Pato comments on her dialogue with the artist Giselle Beiguelman throughout the creative process leading to the artworks featured in the show
Public Programs | 19th Festival
A summary of the Festival’s packed schedule and of its main exhibitions
making of & recordings
Those born for adventure don’t stray from the path | Parallel Exhibition, 19th Festival
An overview of the parallel show featuring images of the artworks, venue tours and statements from Solange Farkas, Priscila Arantes and Diego Matos
making of & recordings