30 YEARS: Tadeu Jungle | 18th Festival

Tadeu Jungle tells of what the emergence of Videobrasil represented in the 1980s, and talks about his participation in the Festival with Herois da Decadên(s)ia, which won a prize at the fifth edition, in 1987


30 YEARS: Walter Silveira | 18th Festival

Walter Silveira, one of the founders of TVDO, a pioneering video company in Brazil, reveals how he conceived the piece VT Preparado, inspired by John Cage and Augusto de Campos. The piece won a prize at the 4th Festival


30 YEARS: José Celso Martinez Corrêa | 18th Festival

The theater director José Celso Martinez reminisces on the work of group Uzina Uzona in the 1980s, as they appropriated the new language of video to express themselves amidst the dying breaths of the dictatorship regime
