Healing time | Agora somos todxs negrxs?

The artist Moisés Patrício and the collectives Frente 3 de Fevereiro and Afro-T talk about racism in health area, institutions and the arts.

public programs

Talk with Jaime Lauriano and Thiago de Paula | Agora somos todxs negrxs?

The curator Daniel Lima mediates a conversation between the artist Jaime Lauriano and the curator Thiago de Paula on a black perspective in the arts.

public programs

Exhibition opening | Agora somos todxs negrxs?

Opening debate of the exhibition mediated by curator Daniel Lima

public programs

Daniel Lima | Agora somos todxs negrxs?

Curator talks about negritude, Haitianism, and decolonization


Southern Observatory | Session 02: Documents and Manifestos | 19th Festival

The second session of the project that stirs up debate on the Public Programs of the 19th Festival

public programs