Discussion panel of the 1st Festival, held at MIS-SP | August 08, 1983

Coordinator: Ethevaldo Siqueira (journalist) | Debaters: Gabriel Priolli (TV critic), David Row (ABTI chairman), Walter George Durst (writer), Gustavo Dahl (filmmaker), Walter Clark (TV producer), Pipoka (TV producer), Walter Avancini (TV Globo)

Since the first edition of the Festival, the program featured debate and lecture cycles which contributed to foster discussion on contemporary video production, and therefore on art. Along general lines, the first debate of the 1st Festival approached technical aspects of video and their implications on language. Topics discussed included the contrast between the traditional TV format and the video tape aesthetic; the space for diffusion of new languages with the emergence of then-new technologies such as cable TV, DBS and subscription TV; fascination with sophisticated techniques in production, image manipulation, and computerized image; and the opening up of the market to independent producers, fostering experimentation and creativity.