Bibliographical references Eduardo de Jesus, 02/2007

A brief introduction to the work of Moroccan artist Bouchra Khalili at the portal website of the UNESCO DigiArts pilot project for music, art, design, and multimedia.

This is the website of the Tangiers Cinematheque, which relocated in December 2006 to the refurbished Cinéma Rif building, in the Moroccan capital. Bouchra Khalili is the assisting programmer at the Cinémathèque. Future projects of the institution include workshops and facilities for North African artists and producers. 

Dedicated to the research and screening of contemporary technology-inspired art, Scottish organization Stills presented, in the last months of 2006, the exhibition Cinémathèque de Tanger / Among the Moderns, dedicated to film and video production from the Arab world. Curators Bouchra Khalili and Yto Barrada compiled works by Nassim Amaouche, Ali Cherri, Myrna Maakaron, Katia Kameli, Dalila Ennadre, and Mounir Fatmi, among others. 

Curated by Moroccan artists Abdelaziz Taleb and Abdellatif Benfaidoul, the project traveled through the West to promote electronic production from the Arab countries. The site includes images of the project's final workshop, held in Agadir (Morocco) and coordinated by Toni Serra (Spain) and Bouchra Khalili, among others. 

Contains the full text of the essay “The Pain of Seeing: The Videos of Laura Waddington,” by Bouchra Khalili, which discusses the work of the English artist, and was published in the 51st International Short Film Festival Oberhausen catalogue