Being more and more recognized by the artistic institutions, the videoinstallation uses the electronic image technology as a basis to develop a contemporary art. The relationship between viewer and monitor changes in a given videoinstallation, as the 2-D image moves out of its plane and expands towards the outer space in order to bring up time and motion to the scenery. The presentation of the 11 videoinstallations, quite diversified among themselves, show the broad possibilities about what could be made and is a unique opportunity to know the work of internationally-renowned artists.

The videoinstallation of the Spanish artist Joseantonio Hergueta was composed by three videoprojectors, one metallic grid, a black wooden altar and a book with blank pages. La Porciúncula - part of the series Epistolario – is a construction upon devotional evocations.



Statement José Antonio Hergueta, 1994

La Porciúncula

La Porciúncula is a consequende of a promenade – of reflection, of new apprenticeship, of detachment amd internal changes – across a new world.
A construction upon devotional evocations, the constructions I know upon yet quietly known devotion – and that I have found, a mirror of my own culture, walking across a new world. Images of cloister, narrative and allegory over Portuguese tiles. And also an obscure text, inverted writing converted into absence of light, into night. La Portiúncula is an installation of the series Epistolario in which I have been working, as a work-in-progress, since 1991. Its name is that of the first place of worship founded by San Francisco in the mount, where there was no sumptuosity, a poor and simple place.

ASSOCIAÇÃO CULTURAL VIDEOBRASIL. "10º Videobrasil: Festival Internacional de Arte Eletrônica": de 20 a 25 de novembro de 1994, São Paulo-SP, 1994.