This video compilation brings together programmes by Marcelo Tas, created for television between 1988 and 1998. The highlight is the pilot episode for the series “Fora do Ar” [Off Air], which unveils how the teleprompter is used by television to build personalities, specially in the world of politics. The programme is part of a commissioned series that Tas developed for Rede Globo, as part of the director Guel Arraes' group, but that was never approved nor aired. Unseen to this day, the pilot was exhibited for the first time at the Festival.
- Netos do Amaral: Programa 1Eder Santos, Marcelo Tas, 1990
- Netos do Amaral: Programa 2Eder Santos, Marcelo Tas, 1991
- Campanha "Plebiscito MTV"Marcelo Tas, 1993
- Fora do ar / O Teleprompter Marcelo Tas, 1998
- Professor Tibúrcio / Rá-Tim-BumMarcelo Tas, 1990
- Retrospectiva do anoMarcelo Tas, 1988
- Telekid / Castelo Rá-Tim-BumMarcelo Tas, 1994