A daily coverage of festival events - produced on video and retransmitted by TVE Videobrasil on screen For the sixth time running, Videobrasil promotes the day to day coverage of the festival through its Videojournal. During the six days of the festival an electronic editorial office will produce images and declarations of and by important national and international personalities, on pertinent themes as well as discussions concerning videoart in its three decades of existence. Also there will be a "making of" which informs the public as to the programs offered, as well as the coverage of events, conferences and performances, introducing the artists and interviewing the audience. A different director has been chosen for each day of the festival: Sandra Kogut, Carlos Nader, Marcelo Tas, Inês Cardoso, Diego Lascano (Argentina) and John Gilles (Australia).


General Coordination: André Amparo
Collective Criation: Vânia Catani, André Amparo, Lucas Bambozzi, Rodrigo Minelli, Eduardo de Jesus, Francisco César Filho
Production: Malu Tavares, Clarisse Goldberg
Camera: Paulinho Francisco
Edition: Mayalu de Oliveira, Elias Jabbour
Computer grafic: Alexandre Suguimoto, Ricardo Odo