Coordination |

Essay Marcelo Tas, 1990

Documentary / Performance

The caption reading "any resemblance to facts and people dead or alive is mere coincidence" shown at the end of a film shoud also be included in video-documentaries and mostly in TV news shows. For whenever someone tries to capture "reality", it has already been distorced even before the camera is on. To start with, the presence of the filmmaking team is enough to change everything and everybody (maybe some day, after this outrageours proliferation of the equipment and video teams is over, we will find again our lost natural self). For the time being, there is no hope. Somebody must already have irrefutably proved that reality will not resist to time and does not exist inside the cathode tube. Therefore, there is nothing to be done. Except, of course, come down to earth and create yet another reality that ends being more realistic than reality itself.

8th Fotoptica Internacional Video Festival. 09 a 15 de Novembro de 1990. p. 88.