Pooling voices sensitive to contemporary impasses, drawn from different fields, fronts, and backgrounds, the Seminars explore such themes as the invention of a new political imagination, the particularities of time that have emerged since the advent of virtual life, a de-colonial approach to current feminisms, and the reverberation of the symbolic production of indigenous peoples and social movements.

A central axis on which the Public Programs are plotted at the 21st Biennial, the meetings are designed to generate opportunities to produce previously unheard-of forms of thinking the future, both around and beyond the works on display, and with room for discussion and dissension.

The Seminars are held at the Theater (lower ground) and Auditorium (6th floor), in two stages, spanning three consecutive evenings apiece. The first takes place between October 15 and 17, and the second, November 12 and 15. In the interests of more thorough access, all sessions will have simultaneous translation in sign language.

The addresses prepared by the speakers were edited for publication under the title Leituras [Readings], which, along with the catalogue of works and artists, completes the 21st Biennial's editorial platform. 

GUILHERME WISNIK — Lecturer at Universidade de São Paulo’s Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, he was curator-general of the 10th Bienal de Arquitetura de São Paulo (2013). He is the author of Infinito vão: 90 anos de arquitetura brasileira (Casa da Arquitectura de Portugal, 2018, with Fernando Serapião) and Dentro do nevoeiro: arte, arquitetura e tecnologia contemporâneas (Ubu, 2018).

LAYMERT GARCIA DOS SANTOS — Professor with the sociology department at Unicamp, Laymert coordinates the Laboratory for Network-based Culture and Technology at Instituto Século 21, São Paulo. His published works include Amazônia transcultural (Edições n-1, 2016) and Politizar as novas tecnologias: o impacto sócio-técnico da informação digital e genética (Editora 34, 2003).

LUISA DUARTE —Art critic, curator, lecturer, and former member of the advisory board to MAM São Paulo (2009–2012). In conjunction with Adriano Pedrosa, she edited the book ABC – Arte brasileira contemporânea (Cosac Naify, 2014). Her curatorial projects include Quarta-feira de cinzas (Escola de Artes Visuais do Parque Lage, 2015) and Tunga – O rigor da distração (MAR, 2018), both in Rio de Janeiro.

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