The video shows two moments of a performance carried out in Brazil and in England. Magno is inspired by the Indian Ci, Mother of the Forest, a character in the novel Macunaíma, by Mário de Andrade, who comes from a tribe made up only of women. Ci falls in love with another Indian and weaves a hammock with her own hair for the protagonist, so that he will never forget her. In the performance, the artist’s long hair is braided and sewn to one of the hammock’s ropes, which is extended by the artist and holds her from one end. The work proposes a reflection on the body and temporality, evoking both the ancestry inherent to the mythical imagery and the laziness associated with the protagonist and the use of the hammock, fused here to Magno’s body. The work was carried out in 2016 as a result of the residency award of the 19th Videobrasil Festival at the Delfina Foundation in London, England.