In a statement given on occasion of his participation in the show Unerasable Memories – a historic look at the videobrasil collection, Jonathas de Andrade discusses Projeto Pacífico (2010), a video from the series of artworks based on a trip of his through Latin America. Passing through Chile and Bolivia, the artist came in contact with different points of view about the War of the Pacific, which these countries fought from 1879 to 1883. Projeto Pacífico offers a natural solution to the conflict: an earthquake detaches Chile’s territory from the continent, returning the coastline to Bolivia. Reality superimposed itself onto fiction and was incorporated into the video: according to the artist, during the piece’s production, one of the strongest seismic events in the history of Chile took place (2010). De Andrade also comments on the use of “school” methods and materials, such as stop motion and the book Chile Ayer/Hoy, created by the Pinochet administration. The artist reflects about the ideological contents of schoolbooks and the veracity of documents on which history is based. Prior to being shown at the Unerasable Memories exhibition, Projeto Pacífico was featured in the 17th Festival (2011).