"Two faces and a body: two people and a libido in a relationship of love, hate and 'antropofagia' (cannibalism)". That is how Otavio Donasci describes his video-sails which are transformed into giant faces using three-dimensional video projections. "It is the first time that I have used wind as a support for my imagery: it is the soul of the face, different from Videovivo where an actor can use his or her body to make an image" explains Donasci comparing it with his last work in the 20th Bienal. "It is the concept of electronic masks initiated from the videocreatures of 1981".

The rest is unpredictable with this multitalented and cultured performance artist but without doubt he is a performer par excellence. Through Videomáscaras, which will open the 9th Videobrasil, no one is safe from bumping into the Midiotauro of the labyrinths of SESC or dance with the seductive VideoTaxiGirls (VTG).

