Being more and more recognized by the artistic institutions, the videoinstallation uses the electronic image technology as a basis to develop a contemporary art. The relationship between viewer and monitor changes in a given videoinstallation, as the 2-D image moves out of its plane and expands towards the outer space in order to bring up time and motion to the scenery. The presentation of the 11 videoinstallations, quite diversified among themselves, show the broad possibilities about what could be made and is a unique opportunity to know the work of internationally-renowned artists.

The videoinstallation Tempo Vento Morte, Luz Vento Luz, by Carlos Nader, composed by a corridor, wind and video images, explores concepts like transitorieness, death and time.



Essay Carlos Nader, 1994

Tempo Vento Morte, Luz Vento Luz

Time is a blow in the origin scene. Times goes. “And Earth was mud, grim and darkness over the face of the abysm and the God blowing soars over the face of water.” (1) Time, a blow. Wind. And wind carried the name of origin. South wind is wind coming from South. In the South-North direction. North wind is wind coming from North. In the North-South direction. Wind. And time: time is death wind.

“And God said: be light. And it was light.” (1). Time is a wind that has its origin in the origin of the origin. Death. Origin. Death, the light. Clear Primordial Light: “Time present and time past/ are perhaps present in time future.”(2)

Time blows in the death – I direction. Time is death wind. All the time. Death, future. End of time. Of Time. “And time future present in time past”(2) Time blows in the death – I direction. Or not? In the future-present direction. Or not? In a regress score. Or progressive? From the death time to the light time. From the light time to the death time. Time blows with rhythm.

The time of childbirth is time of light. At the of coming to light the knew born receives on his face the slap of time, the first blow of the death wind. From time of light to time of death. From time of death to time of light. Time is a rhythm. Time is death wind. Time against which everything runs. All the time. To live is against the wind. To fly is against the wind. To navigate is against the wind. To navigate is needed, to live is not needed. It is needed. Everything navigates to the origin of the wind. Everything lives against the wind. The death. The end. “Die now, die now, in this Love die; When you have died in this Love you will receive new life” (3). The death, the beginning. The death, the end. The death wind ends only at the time of death. At time of light.

“The meeting with the Clear Primordial Light, at the moment of death, allows the ascension to the Reality”. (4). The Ascent. To flight, is against the wind. 

The wind. The light and the wind. The wind is a rhythm. The time. A wind. Wind of information or materia? Wind of atoms or bits?

The candles light. Time. The image on the screen. Telescreen. A bombard of atoms-of cathodes-on the screen. A bombard of bits on the conscience. Light wind. Time. “. . .The TRUE and the FALSE would fall in disuse, and the actual and the virtual would substitute it progressively (…). Then, take into consideration that the cinematic energy would contribute to modify the definition of real and figurative, whereas the question of REALITYwould become that of the TRAJECTORY of the light interval, and not anymore that of the OBJECT and the intervals of space and time.”(5)

Object in the wind is a trajectory. To flight is needed. To navigate is needed. Navigating is the wind. Nothing in the wind. Nothing in the wind is current. Everything in the wind is virtual. To navigate is not needed. To live is not needed. It is needed. “After the cessation of the respiratory movement, without the perturbation of any illusion. . . the one which perceives that the truth lives inside the illusions, the one that perceives that the illusory side of reality, this one is able to enter the Clear Primordial Light”(4). The wind ends.

“Which is the way to the home of light /// And darkness // where is its home? (…) Which is the way to where the light is diffused /// And the sirocco spreads over the earth?” (6). Light wind. Blowing in the past-present direction. Or not? And in the death-I-direction. Or not? Samsara, “The Devil on the street, in the eye of the whirlwind…”(7). Illusion. Dream. The Clear Primordial Light dissolves the Samsara. The time and the wind. The light.

A nonentity. “instantaneousness … Center of time, temporal atom situated in every present instant, point of infinitesimal perception from where the extension and the duration are differently conceived, this relativist different reconstitutes a new generation of the real where the speed overpass time, space, as light overpass already the matter… everything that appears on light appears on its speed …” (5). We accept with relative facility the relativist idea that the light-image that comes to us from the stars in the sky traveled years, and light-years, to come to our eyes. Coming from past. Or not? And we accept with relative difficulty the relativist idea that the light-image of this very text, these very words, is winding from past to strike at present at the reader’s eyes. Or not? In the present of my eyes then. Now. And then, now it is gone. “Riddle the catastrophes, starting by time.”(8)

(Free English adaptation by Lúcia Sarmento)

(1) Bere’shith: A Cena da Origem. Gênese (Transcription of Haroldo de Campos) (2) T. S. Eliot, Four Quartets – Burn Norton (3) Jalal al-Din Rumi, Mystical Poems (4) Bardo Todol (Livro Tibetano dos Mortos) (5) Paul Virillo, La Machine de Vision (6) Livro de Jó (Transcription of Haroldo de Campos) (7) João Guimarães Rosa, Grande Sertão: Veredas (8) Arthur Rimbaud, A Une Raison

ASSOCIAÇÃO CULTURAL VIDEOBRASIL. "10º Videobrasil: Festival Internacional de Arte Eletrônica": de 20 a 25 de novembro de 1994, São Paulo-SP, 1994.