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Curator's text Pierre Bongiovanni, 2001

A Public Space for Experimentation

The web is a space of artistic experimentation, as the public space, the media, the theatre stage, choreographies and musicals are. This space has, however, a few intrinsic particularities:

- The rapid evolution of programme conception tools implies, on the one hand, in a continuous adaptation of the authors to the innovations that constitute the universe of the web, and, on the other, the risk of the rapid obsolescence of devices.

- The absence of critical traditions in the different fields of multimedia is particularly evident in the fields of artistic creation within the net. This lack slows down the appropriation of works by the public.

- The representation modalities of "netart" work in festivals and their manifestations have not been very satisfactory. These works demand attention, patience, curiosity, time, various elements that are opposed to the reflexive "zapping" and easy consumption of cultural products.

Each work implies a participation, a presence and an active conscience of the spectator, since these works are usually organised not from the evidence of a result to be attained, but from a notion of a path to be trodden.

ASSOCIAÇÃO CULTURAL VIDEOBRASIL, "13º Videobrasil": de 19 de setembro de 2001 a 23 de setembro de 2001, p. 190, São Paulo, SP, 2001.