In the video, Denis takes us on a journey between dream fantasies, anguished dreams, and found footage portraying scenes of violence and protest in the streets of Port-au-Prince. In the Haitian context, exposing the Black male nude figure is considered provocative, as it is particularly taboo. As always, Denis places the focus on a subject that touches and preoccupies him: the presence and historical resonances of the Black body. Mes Rêves exposes the body’s fraught relationship with urban space and executive force, and in a revolving juxtaposition of the geographical versus the corporeal invites us to work our way through a phantasmagorical picture of the history of violence, oppression, deprivation, and self-centered gluttony and greed.

- 22nd Biennial | Southern Panoramas | 22st BiennialInstituto Sacatar residency prize