Alexandre da Cunha collects, approaches, and perverts household objects in service life or worn by use—or disuse—to create his reliefs, objects, sculptures, and installations. Items taken from their usual places and purposes, and fragments displaced from their position in a system or machine, get new readings in the configurations that the artist proposes.
Skateboard decks resemble ceiling fan blades, and rubber looks like clay; not because of any change that the object undergoes, but rather through the activation of the viewers’ references. Da Cunha approaches the materials and objects—sought and found—with simple, direct gestures. Thus, he proposes new positions and junctions that lead them totake on new shapes, without hiding the parts that comprise them, their household origin, and their known uses.
Thus displaced, day-to-day objects maintain their relation to so-called low culture, but also activate references to classical and modern sculpture. Trusting the dissemination of information on these periods and practices, as well as the visual repertoire of viewers, the works affirm themselves in this ambiguous existence and enable a new way of looking at all of the objects that surround us, of which we make use almost without seeing, and of which we dispose on a daily basis.
Further info on this artist available at the collection