Starting with this edition, a new curatorial project will guide the FF>>Dossier. Curated by Eduardo de Jesus, the Outros espaços series will investigate the issue of space and its relationship with electronic art, based on works featured in the 15th Videobrasil International Electronic Art Festival (2005). In each work, the researcher detects a different audiovisual production approach for dealing with the daily tensions that we experience as we travel through space, under the impact of communication technologies and contemporary conflicts. Eduardo de Jesus is a professor in the Communication and Arts School at PUC-MG, holds a master's degree in social communication from UFMG, and is a member of the Videobrasil Programming Committee.

Roberto Bellini, the author of Landscape Theory, is the subject of this edition. Coming up, we will have Andrés Denegri (Uyuni), Fernanda Goulart (Alugo-me), Claudia Aravena (Out of Place), Gregg Smith (Background to a Seduction), and Bouchra Khalili (Vue Panoramique). “In Landscape Theory, Bellini lays bare the conflicts regarding the appropriation of space,” claims the curator. “The video's near-bucolic images show a conversation about the landscape and the policies of the gaze. Furrowed, controlled, and filled with position relationships, the landscape presented by Bellini is a space that has been territorialized by capital control and, at the same time, deterritorialized by the triteness of the video's images.”

In the Essay, Cezar Migliorin, artist and professor at PUC-Rio, defines Landscape Theory as being “all about patience.” “The video is not aimed at radical experience such as a fight, but rather at letting the conversation flow. How far is this thing going? The patience and cleverness here lie in allowing for the text to surpass the realm of communication, vibrating a state of the world.”

Further info on this artist available at the collection