Migration and Territory

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posted on 09/04/2017
See the list of videos to be shown in the fourth meeting of Transatlantic Relations

The fourth meeting of the series of events Transatlantic Relations: public moments from the curator Bruno Z’Graggen’s research in the Videobrasil Collection will take place on September 5, Tuesday, 8pm, at Escola de Artes Visuais do Parque Lage. After the exhibition, the artists Dias & Riedweg will talk with Z’Graggen and the public.

The project Transatlantic Relationships is a partnership between Videobrasil and the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia, part of the Pro Helvetia in South America 2017–2020 exchange program, which seeks to promote cultural exchange and spark partnerships between Switzerland and South American countries.

Confirm your presence on our Facebook event page!

See below the complete list of videos to be shown in the fourth meeting.


Tomo (Bakary Diallo, 2012) (image)
The literal meaning of the word Bambara—a territory that is left deserted and ravaged after a war—inspires this tale. Through the eyes of a disturbed character, that seems to be struggling for breath, we see an abandoned village that has been taken over by the spirits of those who once lived in it. Depicted as ghosts and flaming figures, they go on performing everyday activities, as if clinging to reality. The piece addresses the symbolic violence of war and its way of destroying mind and soul of all who are touched by it.

Excuse me, while I disappear (Michael MacGarry, 2014)
This piece looks into Kilamba Kiaxi, an urban development in Luanda, and into a young man’s work day to reveal the impact of international capital flows on the global market. The film’s surreal denouement appears to underscore Kilamba Kiaxi’s inadequacy as a real estate project – offering apartments for a price that’s out of reach for the vast majority of Angola’s population – while also reflecting about the absurd working conditions of the contemporary neoliberal system.

Sem terra (César Meneghetti, Elisabetta Pandimiglio, 2001)
A life marked by an unusual event: birth at sea. The story of a man who spends his whole life searching for a land and a woman to belong to.

Juksa (Dias & Riedweg, 2006)
Acquisition Prize - State of Art - 16th Videobrasil The three remaining inhabitants of a small island in the North Pole talk about thirty-three years of their lives. Universal reflections on time and aging set to a song by Henry Purcell sung live at an intimate session.