Reflecting the directions of electronic production in Brazil and other countries, with a growing interest in the artistic exploration of new media, audiovisual poetry was the theme of this edition of the festival. In addition to the competitive exhibition, the event presented an overview of the genre, featuring artists from different corners of the world. The bilingual catalog features content about the participating works, curatorial texts and panoramas of audiovisual poetry in different countries written by Carlota Álvarez Basso (Spain), Hermann Nöring (Germany), Jean-Marie Duhard (France), Jorge La Ferla (Argentina), Michael Mazière (England) and Stephen Vitiello (USA).

Editor: Solange Farkas
Editorial Coordinator: Roberto Cenni
Graphic Design: Kiko Farkas / Máquina Estúdio

Sesc São Paulo and Associação Cultural Videobrasil, 1994, 154 pages, Portuguese/English, width: 23.5 cm, height: 21 cm

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