With the aim of granting space and international projection to all types of production in electronic format, the 12th festival focused on experimental works by young artists and collectives—especially from the Global South—connected to the universe of CD-ROM and the internet, and opening the doors for multimedia performance. The bilingual catalog features content about the works and artists participating in the edition, curatorial texts and essays on Ich Tank (England), Breda Beban and Hrvoje Horvatic (former Yugoslavia), Kutlug Ataman (Türkiye) and Fabrizio Plessi (Italy).

Editor: Solange Farkas
Editorial Coordinator: Roberto Amado
Graphic Design: Oz Design

Sesc São Paulo and Associação Cultural Videobrasil, 1998, 110 pages, Portuguese/English, width: 23.5 cm, height: 21.5 cm

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