Drawing near to the international electronic art centers, this edition hosted guests from some of the world’s main production and broadcasting institutions, such as Pierre Bongiovanni, of the Centre International de Création Vidéo de Montbéliard (France), Sandra Lischi, of Ondavideo (Italy) , Rod Stoneman, of Channel 4 (England), John Wiver, of Illuminations (England), Tom Van Vliet, of the World Wide Video Festival (Netherlands), and Jean-Paul Treffois, of the Belgian Radio-Television of the French Community. The catalog features content about the works participating in this edition, the invited artists, the awards and the panel of judges, summaries of the workshops and lectures that were held during the festival, texts by the organizers and artistic writings by Eder Santos, Marcelo Mazagão and Sandra Kogut.

Editor: Solange Farkas
Editorial Coordinator: Sergio Poroger
Graphic Design: Kiko Farkas and Paulo Labriola / Máquina Estúdio

Fotoptica, the São Paulo State Secretariat of Culture and the Museu da Imagem e do Som, 1989, 32 pages, Portuguese, width: 21 cm, height: 28 cm.

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