Edited on the occasion of the exhibition Isaac Julien: Geopoetics, the eponymous book was created in dialogue with the exhibition; thus, its graphic language translates the dimension of the filmic works and their relationship with space, broadening its curatorial scope through original theoretical contributions and an extensive interview with the artist himself. In addition to the curator's text, four other authors are included: Lisa Bloom makes aesthetic and political observations on issues involving colonization, sexuality, and migration. Mark Nash examines the multiplicity of meanings in Isaac Julien's work, such as body dynamics or the relocation of art history themes. Vinicius Spricigo draws on Vilém Flusser’s ideas to propose relationships between contemporary art and post-colonialism, and anthropophagy. And Rania Gaafar draws parallels between geographic space and the space created by art, touching on the anthropological, sociological and geopolitical dimensions of the artist's work.

Editorial Coordinator: Teté Martinho
Graphic Design: Celso Longo + Daniel Trench
Collaborators: Isaac Julien, Lisa Bloom, Mark Nash, Rania Gaafar, Solange Farkas, Vinicius Spricigo

Edições Sesc-SP and Associação Cultural Videobrasil, 2012, 199 pages, Portuguese/English, width: 26 cm, height: 30 cm.
ISBN: 978-85-7995-043-8.

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