Ingrid Mwangi, a member of the Mwangi Hutter duo, took part in the debate “Performance Re-enactments: How Does History Repeat Itself?” during the 15th Festival (2005), an edition with a particular emphasis on performance. On the occasion, the Kenyan artist discussed a few particularities of performance, such as temporality, interaction with the audience, and the genre’s development in parallel with video art. In this video, made especially for the Unerasable memories – a historic look at the videbrasil collection exhibition, excerpts from Mwangi’s speeches in the debate shed light on different parts of the My Possession (2004) performance, first shown at the 15th Festival and featured as video footage in the Unerasable Memories – a historic look at the videobrasil collection exhibition. To the artist, the video recording of the performance endows it with new values: although the atmosphere created by the presence of the audience has been lost, abstractions emerge from the framing, new focuses, close-ups and different vantage points enabled by the cameras.